Sunday, July 27, 2003


Hey Beer Guy

I worked here one summer. I was the beer guy. There was one place in the park you could buy beer. From me. You had to be 18 to serve, and I was like the only cashier old enough. On slow days, I would ride the Matterhorn and eat cotton candy. There was one slow day, a rainy monday.

I don't know where I'm going with this. Oh - I served all that beer and never drank any. Back then. It was illegal. I was the perfect son who never did anything wrong. Ever. The day I turned 21 I bought a bottle of wine and was PISSED OFF because they didn't ID me. I thought - 'I could have been doing this for months!'.

It was the adult thing to do. A glass of wine after work. A beer. A cocktail.

fuck, i'm tired and well, thinking back starting to cry.

i'm not alone at all, but FEEL alone. it is only a feeling. it is what human beings have when they don't spend years numbing them with booze. they are still new to me.

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